2020: YACWA 2020/21 State Budget Analysis Report
On Thursday the 8th of October, the State Government released its 2020/21 Budget outlining confirmed spending over the last 12 months, and its plan for investment and savings over the next few financial years, including the key initiatives that may have a significant effect on the future health and wellbeing of young people in Western Australia.
Continue Reading→2020: A Framework for Young People’s Recovery from COVID-19 in Western Australia
This Recovery Framework, developed in August 2020, provides guidance for the State Government to address immediate wellbeing needs of young people, and to prevent long-term consequences from the outbreak of COVID-19 in Western Australia.
Continue Reading→2019: The Youth Homelessness Action Plan
YACWA is proud to launch the Youth Homelessness Action Plan (The Plan). This document sits under the Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness's 10 Year Strategy to End Homelessness and aims to galvanise the community to carry out the collective action needed to improve outcomes for young people currently experiencing homelessness and to prevent it for future generations.
Continue Reading→2017: State Budget Overview
YACWA’s overview of the 2017 State Budget and how young people will be affected in the choices made by the Government.
Continue Reading→2018: Submission to Lower the Federal Voting Age
As meaningful cultural, social and economic contributors to Australia, YACWA believes that young people aged 16 and 17 should be afforded the right to participate in Australian democracy.
Continue Reading→2017: YACWA’s Oral Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Administration and Management of the 2017 State General Election
Following the 2017 State Government election, YACWA provided an oral submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into its management and administration.
Continue Reading→2017: YACWA’s Pre-Budget Submission 2017-2018
This submission will provide a series of recommendations to Government for next year’s budget that builds on members feedback through areas identified in responses to our Members Survey, this consultation paper, and previous areas of YACWAs work.
Continue Reading→2017: YACWA’s Analysis of the 2017 Federal Budget
YACWA has conducted a thorough analysis of the information available at this point in time, and extracted the key commitments and measures that we believe will have a direct impact on young people and the workforce supporting them in Western Australia.
Continue Reading→2017: YACWA’s ‘State of the Youth Sector’ Forum Final Report

The State of the Youth Sector Forum (the Forum), held on 14 November 2017, had over 70 attendees in leadership positions across the youth sector from across the state. This report was compiled based on the feedback from all the Forum attendees.
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