Nominations for YACWA’s Board will open on the 18th of October with all current members receiving a direct email to vote.
How do I join the YACWA Board?
Board Elections are part of the Annual General Meeting – held in late November – early December each year. Announcement of the elected Board Members is made at the AGM. The Board will announce the appointed Board Member once the process is finalised.
What does a Board member actually do?
The Board makes sure that YACWA is meeting all its legal requirements and supports the organisation to be its best. The Board’s role is to set and review YACWA’s policy, processes and direction at a high level, and then gives the responsibility for all of the day-to-day work to the CEO.
Responsibilities include:
- Making sure the organisation is financially secure and sustainable;
- Ensuring the organisation is delivering what is supposed to be delivering and are accountable to members and other stakeholders;
- Determining and managing any organisational risks associated with YACWA’s work; and
- Driving an organisational strategic vision and ensuring actions are taken towards achieving it.
What areas of YACWA’s work do we get involved in?
As Board members, we make sure that YACWA had good systems and processes in place, is meeting its contract requirements, is in a strong position and has a clear strategy for where it is going. This means we are involved in more of the bigger picture work and strategy, rather than any day-to-day work or projects that YACWA runs.
How do management and the Board work together? What decisions are delegated to management and what decisions are taken to the Board?
The Board works directly with the CEO, and the Finance Manager on finance matters, through regular Board meetings and subcommittees. The Board and CEO identify key pieces of work that we want to achieve throughout the year, and the subcommittees generally manage these – with some tasks being undertaken by the Board and others by the CEO.
Most of the day-to-day work and decision making is delegated and undertaken by the CEO and the YACWA team; however, any big decisions that have an impact on YACWA, which may pose a risk to the organisation, are typically brought before the Board.
Are there any legal responsibilities? Are there insurances to protect the directors that sit on the Board?
Yes, there are certain legal duties that a Board Director must adhere to – such as acting in the best interests of the organisation and declaring and managing any conflicts of interest. Further information on the legal duties of a NFP Board Member produced by Justice Connect can be found here. YACWA has a type of insurance – Management Liability Insurance – that provides personal financial protection for Board Directors of YACWA.
What subcommittees does the Board have?
The Board currently has two subcommittees: the Finance & Sustainability Subcommittee, and the Governance Subcommittee. It is expected that each member of the Board is a part of at least one of these subcommittees. There may also be a number of working groups that the Board forms around specific issues or projects that may arise.
What does the Finance & Sustainability Subcommittee do?
The YACWA Finance Committee provides financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organisations budget. Their sole responsibility is to ensure the organisation is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services.
What does the Governance Subcommittee do?
The Governance Subcommittee ensures best practices in YACWA’s Board operations and that the Board meets the responsibilities of a Board of Directors. This includes review of YACWA’s policies to ensure it meets legal and constitutional requirements.
Who else is on the Board?
You can see the current members of the Board here.
What sort of input will the Board want from me?
The Board will want you to share your ideas, opinions and expertise on different matters – as well as you being able to undertake different tasks or research to help progress work we are doing. Don’t feel you need to know everything – being on a Board is a development opportunity.
What are the Board’s priorities (e.g. strategic plan)?
The Board is guided by the organisation’s Strategic Plan which outlines our vision of creating “A society where all young people feel valued and are supported to develop, thrive and reach their greatest potential”. At the Board level, our priorities are making sure that our governance structures and oversight processes support YACWA to strive towards this vision.
Where can I find more information about how the Board operates?
The Board operates within the bounds of its Constitution and is guided by its Strategic Plan. Both the Finance & Sustainability Subcommittee and the Governance Subcommittee are directed by their Terms of Reference and report to the full board. Current board members are happy to talk to any prospective board members – feel free to email to request a meeting or chat.
What is the time commitment required to be part of the Board? What happens if I can’t attend a meeting due to work or personal commitments?
Currently the Board meets every two months for a two hour full Board meeting, with pre-reading of Board papers required, as well as bi-monthly Subcommittee meetings that last approximately 1 – 2 hours. We generally set all of our full Board meetings at the beginning of the year, so people have plenty of time to organise around this. However, we understand that there might sometimes be a clash, and that you may need to be an apology. We do ask that you consider the time commitment required before nominating, as it is important for Board Directors to be able to commit to the majority of meetings and work we undertake.
What time in the day are meetings held? Are the meetings held virtually or in person?
The Board meeting are currently held every second month on a Wednesday late afternoon/evening and last for two hours (as above this may change in the new year). The meetings are usually in a hybrid format – in-person for those that can attend but virtual for those that live in regional or rural locations. Preference is for face to face as much as possible.
Subcommittee meetings are also held every second month, so each Board member will attend at least one meeting a month on average. Subcommittee meetings tend to be 100% online.
How long would my term be?
Each term is for a period of three years, as per clause 8.4.1 of our Constitution. Board Directors are able to service a maximum of three consecutive terms – I.e. nine years in total.
Is being on the Board paid?
Being on the Board is a voluntary position and there is no payment for your time. Any reasonable expenses may be reimbursed – e.g., travel if you are a board member in the regions coming to an in-person board meeting in the city. Any reimbursements must be approved by the Chairperson.
Who we’re looking for
Do I need a particular qualification to sit on the Board?
Formal education qualifications are not required. Experience on committees/boards, governance, and passion for YACWA’s work is highly desirable and should be highlighted in your application. As part of the Board induction, there are a few documents that need to be completed including the Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest Declaration, and National Police Clearance.
Do I need to have experience in the youth sector to apply? Does it matter that I don’t have experience in the youth sector?
Whilst some of our Board members have experience in the youth or community sector, this definitely is not a requirement. We welcome applications from people with backgrounds in different sectors, but who have experience or skills relevant to the work of the Board.
I don’t have experience in organisational finances – do I need this to be on the board?
Whilst some knowledge of this might be helpful, we recognise not everyone may have this – and so we encourage applications from people regardless of their experience in this area. YACWA has a Finance Manager who manages the organisational finances alongside the CEO and other managers, and the Board has a subcommittee who are responsible for overseeing these. Some training around this can be organised for those who are interested.
Am I too old to be on the YACWA Board?
No, there is no upper age limit for Board members!
Where can I find out details around nominations and voting?
All information for nominees and voters for our 2023 AGM will be available at a later date. Members will be notified via email.
What if I don’t know another member that can second my nomination?
Please contact our Acting Chair, Sal Cleveray, at for assistance or call during office hours.